
This page serves as a "data point" for the various sources which I will either cite, or use for preparation. I include small tidpids to jar my memory and organize information from these articles. Those tids are broadly taken from these points:

  1. What is the source’s stated purpose (the argument or thesis)?
  2. What evidence does the author provide to support his or her main argument? How is the author attempting to logically prove his or her thesis and how does this affect the organization of the document?
  3.  Who is the audience? What does the author assume the audience already knows about the topic?
  4. Describe the author’s methods (i.e. how does the author know what he or she knows)?  In your opinion were they appropriate why or why not?
  5. To what other sources (theorist, researchers, artists) does the author refer? Explain the specific ideas the author draws upon from these other sources to support his or her own argument (the theoretical framework).
  6. What are the connections between this source and your project? How useful or applicable is this source’s approach to your own project? How is yours new and different? 

 Feel free to browse these sources or leave a suggestion for others.

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Al-Thakeb, Fahed T. 1985. The arab family and modernity: Evidence from kuwait. Current Anthropology 26, no. 5: pp. 575-580.

This article examines the impact of modernity on Islamic families in the Middle East (Kuwait in particular). The questions he examines are, What type of families are prevalent, are kinship ties as wide and as strong as assumed to be, how has change affected these relationships, what changes have happened in regard to attitudes, role perceptions, and behavioral patterns, attitudes towards love free choice marriage, polygamy, and equality among the sexes.

The author utilized a number of qualitative and quantificational studies to support findings. He also used a plethora of empirical data. The findings appeared to be very unbiased, reliable, and particular. The author appears to be writing to experts of the region as well as those in family science. The author uses many sources; whom likewise appear to be reliable. I will mine these resources for more resources on my project.

Specifically he bases his arguments through the viewpoint of 5 family theorists. This article is particularly useful because it examines aspects I will be looking at (for example love marriage) and also has introduced several new theories from which I might view my project.

Givens, Benjamin P. and Charles Hirschman. 1994. Modernization and consanguineous marriage in iran. Journal of Marriage and Family 56, no. 4: pp. 820-834.

The author argues that Iran has experienced an increase of consanguineous relationships (romantic relationships deriving from a relative). His larger purpose was to conclude that modernization decreases such trends, however, this theory had to be modified, as his findings did not support the hypothesis. This further proves the unbias nature of the report. Analyzing data from 4,667 women and comparing that data to earlier years conducted the experiment. It appeared to be an accurate measure for such a test. Although the article is well sourced, he uses Goodes theory as the cornerstone of his argument. This paper is useful, because it illustrates many of the distinctions between the effects of modernity and culture. Also, it helps give an introspective view on the subject which will aid on not analyzing my subject “through western eyes”.

Kaya, Laura Pearl. 2009. Dating in a sexually segregated society: Embodied practices of online romance in irbid, jordan. Anthropological Quarterly 82, no. 1: pp. 251-278.

This article examines how the internet has influenced dating in Irbid, Jordan. It is a very descriptive qualificational study; thus privy to more bias. Many of the Authors findings are described than supported using cited sources. The sources cited appear to be relevant. Despite the limitations this article presents by the methods and presentation, I will be using it, quite a lot (at least for myself) because it mirrors so closely my research project, and is unique in it’s portrayal.

Korson, J. Henry. 1969. Student attitudes toward mate selection in a muslim society: Pakistan. Journal of Marriage and Family 31, no. 1: pp. 153-165.

This article examines student’s (from the Univ of Karachi & Punjab) perspective on dating vs traditional standard. This very much mirrors my project. The author carried out the project by interviewing a number of individuals and analyzing the results as both quantificational and qualificational. The author does seem very knowledgable, however, does not use as many references as other authors. It is possible (not saying it is the case) that the author may be bias in wanting to believe that the “seeds of change are planted” although it is highly supported and believable that they are. Although the author conducts this study in Pakistan, it is highly compatible with my study.

Kuppinger, Petra. 2011. Himmelstochter: A muslima in german public spheres. Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 7, no. 2: pp. 27-55.

This article is short, but gives a very valuable introspection into a book published by a Muslim Diva in Germany (which I will later use). The article argues that Turks in particular are becoming more conservative, as pressure from modernity and western culture increases. This theory is very critical in my study, because it is surely a present phenomenon that is seen in the Middle East. This article will provide me with an introspective theory from which I can add to my paper.

                                                 AND HERE ARE A FEW MORE TO ADD :)

Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf. 2000. Sexuality in morocco: Changing context and contested domain. Culture, Health & Sexuality 2, no. 3: pp. 239-254.

Peterson, J. E. 1989. The political status of women in the arab gulf states. Middle East Journal 43, no. 1: pp. 34-50.

Predelli, Line Nyhagen. 2004. Interpreting gender in islam: A case study of immigrant muslim women in oslo, norway. Gender and Society 18, no. 4: pp. 473-493.

Ramazani, Nesta. 1985. Arab women in the gulf. Middle East Journal 39, no. 2: pp. 258-276.

Sa'ar, Amalia. 2001. Lonely in your firm grip: Women in israeli-palestinian families. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 7, no. 4: pp. 723-739.

Thompson, Elizabeth. 2003. Public and private in middle eastern women's history. Journal of Women's History, Vol.15, no. 1: 52-69.

Warrick, Catherine. 2005. The vanishing victim: Criminal law and gender in jordan. Law & Society Review 39, no. 2: pp. 315-348.

Early islamic mysticism : Sufi, Qurʼan, miraj, poetic and theological writings1996. . Ed. Michael Anthony Sells. New York: New York : Paulist Press. 

Stochastic modelling of social processes1984. . Ed. Andreas DiekmannA - Peter Mitter. Orlando: Orlando : Academic Press. 

Ali, Samer M. 2008. Early IslamMonotheism or henotheism? A view from the court. Journal of Arabic Literature, Vol.39, no. 1: 14-37(24). 

Al-Thakeb, Fahed T. 1985. The arab family and modernity: Evidence from kuwait. Current Anthropology 26, no. 5: pp. 575-580. 

Andrzej Jan, Leon Zieleniec. 2007. Space and social theory. Los Angeles, Calif.: Los Angeles, Calif. : SAGE Pub. 

Asad, Talal. 1972. Market model, class structure and consent: A reconsideration of swat political organisation. Man 7, no. 1: pp. 74-94. 

Baert, Patrick. 1998. Social theory in the twentieth century. New York: New York : New York University Press. 

Bradley, James. 1998. The uses and misuses of data and models : The mathematization of the human sciences. Ed. Kurt C Schaefer. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications.
ca., Hujvīrī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUs̲mān, d. 1976. The kashf al-mahjub : The oldest persian treatise on sufiism. Ed. Reynold Alleyne Nicholson -. Lahore: Lahore : Islamic Book Foundation. 

Castañeda, Heide. 2008. Paternity for sale: Anxieties over "demographic theft" and undocumented migrant reproduction in germany. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 22, no. 4: pp. 340-359
Ember, Carol R. 1996. Cultural anthropology. Ed. Melvin Ember. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall. 

Ernst, Carl W. 2005. Situating sufism and yoga. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 15, no. 1: pp. 15-43. 

fl, Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq,Ibn al. 1970. The fihrist of al-nadīm a tenth-century survey of muslim culture. Ed. Bayard Dodge -.A - American Council of Learned Societies.A - ACLS Humanities E-Book (Organization). New York: New York : Columbia University Press. 

Foucault, Michel. 2000. Power. Ed. James D. Faubion -. New York: New York : New Press ; New York : Distributed by W.W. Norton. 

———. 1990. The history of sexuality. New York: New York : Vintage Books.

———. 1982. The subject and power. Critical Inquiry, Summer, Vol.8, no. 4: 777-795.
Ghazzālī, ,. 1999. Deliverance from error : An annotated translation of al-munqidh min al

Dal⁻al and other relevant works of al-Ghaz⁻al⁻i. Ed. Richard Joseph McCarthy. Louisville, KY: Louisville, KY : Fons Vitae. 

Givens, Benjamin P. and Charles Hirschman. 1994. Modernization and consanguineous marriage in iran. Journal of Marriage and Family 56, no. 4: pp. 820-834. 

Hawāzin,, Qushayrī, ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn. 1992. Principles of sufism. Ed. B. R Von Schlegell. Berkeley: Berkeley : Mizan Press. 

Hinich, Melvin J. and Walker Pollard. 1981. A new approach to the spatial theory of electoral competition. American Journal of Political Science, Vol.25, no. 2: 323-341. 

Hugh Kennedy (Hugh N.). 2005. When baghdad ruled the muslim world : The rise and fall of islam's greatest dynasty. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge, MA : Da Capo Press. 

Kaya, Laura Pearl. 2009. Dating in a sexually segregated society: Embodied practices of online romance in irbid, jordan. Anthropological Quarterly 82, no. 1: pp. 251-278. 

———. 2009. Dating in a sexually segregated society: Embodied practices of online romance in irbid, jordan. Anthropological Quarterly, Vol.82, no. 1: 251-278. 

Kedem-Friedrich, Peri and Maged Al-Atawneh. 2004. Does modernity lead to greater well-being? bedouin women undergoing a socio-cultural transition. Social Indicators Research 67, no. 3: pp. 333-351. 

Knysh, Alexander D. 2000. Islamic mysticism : A short history. Leiden ; Boston, Mass.: Leiden ; Boston, Mass. : Brill. 

Korson, J. Henry. 1969. Student attitudes toward mate selection in a muslim society: Pakistan. Journal of Marriage and Family 31, no. 1: pp. 153-165. 

Kuppinger, Petra. 2011. Himmelstochter: A muslima in german public spheres. Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 7, no. 2: pp. 27-55. 

Lambton, Ann K. S. 1981. State and government in medieval islam : An introduction to the study of islamic political theory : The jurists. Oxford ; New York: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. 

———. 1981. State and government in medieval islam : An introduction to the study of islamic political theory : The jurists. Oxford ; New York: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. 

Lapidus, Ira M. 2002. A history of islamic societies. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge ; New York Cambridge University Press. 

———. 1975. The separation of state and religion in the development of early islamic society. International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.6, no. 4: 363-385.
Lassner, Jacob. 1980. The shaping of ʻAbbāsid rule. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. 

Lefebvre, Henri. 2008. Space, difference, everyday life : Reading henri lefebvre. Ed. Kanishka Goonewardena. New York: New York : Routledge. 

Lombard, Maurice. 2004. The golden age of islam. Princeton: Princeton : Markus Wiener Publishers. 

Łukasz Stanek. 2011. Henri lefebvre on space : Architecture, urban research, and the production of theory. Minneapolis Minn.: Minneapolis Minn. : University of Minnesota Press. 

Minorsky, Vladimir. 1982. Medieval iran and its neighbours. London: London : Variorum Reprints. 

Muḥammad,, Suhrawardī, ʻUmar ibn. 1980. A dervish textbook from the ʻAwārifu-l-maʻārif : Written in the thirteenth century. Ed. Maḥmūd ibn ʻAlī Kāshānī d. or .A - H Clarke (Henry Wilberforce). London: London : Octagon Press. 

Muhammad, Qasim Zaman. 1997. Religion and politics under the early ʻAbbāsids : The emergence of the proto-sunnī elite. Leiden ; New York: Leiden ; New York : Brill.

Mukherjee, Ramkrishna. 1983. Classification in social research. Albany: Albany : State University of New York Press. 

Munscher, Alice. 1984. The workday routines of turkish women in federal republic of germany: Results of a pilot study. International Migration Review 18, no. 4, Special Issue: Women in Migration: pp. 1230-1246. 

Nelson, Cynthia. 1974. Public and private politics: Women in the middle eastern world. American Ethnologist 1, no. 3: pp. 551-563. 

Nettler, Ronald L. 2003. Sufi metaphysics and qur'ānic prophets : Ibn ʻArabī's thought and method in the fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. Cambridge: Cambridge : Islamic Texts Society.
Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne. 1975. The mystics of islam. New York: New York : Schocken Books.
Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf. 2000. Sexuality in morocco: Changing context and contested domain. Culture, Health & Sexuality 2, no. 3: pp. 239-254.
Peterson, J. E. 1989. The political status of women in the arab gulf states. Middle East Journal 43, no. 1: pp. 34-50. 

Predelli, Line Nyhagen. 2004. Interpreting gender in islam: A case study of immigrant muslim women in oslo, norway. Gender and Society 18, no. 4: pp. 473-493. 

———. 2004. Interpreting gender in islam: A case study of immigrant muslim women in oslo, norway. Gender and Society 18, no. 4: pp. 473-493. 

Ramazani, Nesta. 1985. Arab women in the gulf. Middle East Journal 39, no. 2: pp. 258-276.
Rozmarin, Miri. 2005. Power, freedom, and individuality: Foucault and sexual difference. Human Studies 28, no. 1: pp. 1-14. 

Sa'ar, Amalia. 2001. Lonely in your firm grip: Women in israeli-palestinian families. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 7, no. 4: pp. 723-739. 

Seyyed, Hossein Nasr. 1991. Sufi essays. Albany: Albany : State University of New York Press.
Sirry, Mun'im. 2011. The public role of during ʿAbbāsid times. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol.74, no. 2: 187-204. 

Smith-Hefner, Nancy J. 2005. The new muslim romance: Changing patterns of courtship and marriage among educated javanese youth. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 36, no. 3: pp. 441-459. 

Swyngedouw, Erik. 1992. [Untitled]. Economic Geography 68, no. 3: pp. 317-319.
———. 1992. [Untitled]. Economic Geography 68, no. 3: pp. 317-319. 

Ṭabarī, ,. 2007. The history of al-tabari. vol. 40 : Index. Ed. Alex V PopovkinA - Everett K Rowson. Albany: Albany : State University of New York Press. 

———. 1996. The first civil war. Ed. G. R Hawting (Gerald R.). Albany: Albany : State University of New York Press. 

Thompson, Elizabeth. 2003. Public and private in middle eastern women's history. Journal of Women's History, Vol.15, no. 1: 52-69. 

Warrick, Catherine. 2005. The vanishing victim: Criminal law and gender in jordan. Law & Society Review 39, no. 2: pp. 315-348. 

Wenden, Catherine Wihtol de. 1998. Young muslim women in france: Cultural and psychological adjustments. Political Psychology 19, no. 1: pp. 133-146. 

White, Charles S. J. 1965. Sufism in medieval hindi literature. History of Religions 5, no. 1: pp. 114-132. 

Yount, Kathryn M. 2005. Women's family power and gender preference in minya, egypt. Journal of Marriage and Family 67, no. 2: pp. 410-428. 

Zaidi, Ali Hassan. 2011. Islam, modernity, and the human sciences. New York: New York : Palgrave Macmillan. 

Zarrinkoob, Abdol-Hosein. 1970. Persian sufism in its historical perspective. Iranian Studies 3, no. 3/4, Persian Sufism in Its Historical Perspective: pp. 139-220. 

Zito, George V. 1984. Systems of discourse : Structures and semiotics in the social sciences. Westport, Conn.: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press.

for my record, here are some less related but useful articles

and here are two searches which turned up a number of amazing articles